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1. Who is Eligible for the Master’s Program at UoEm?
The following shall be eligible for registration for aMaster’s degrees atthe University:
a) Aholder of a Bachelor’s degree of the University;
b) Aholder of a Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent qualification from aninstitutions recognized by Senate or the Academic Board.
In addition,a candidate mustmeet therequirements of theSchool, Department and Programmechosen.
2. What is the duration of the Master’s Program?
The Master’s program in all Schools/Institutes shall normally extend fora period of two (2) academic years from the date of registration.
(a)Minimum Duration
A candidate registered for the degree of Master of Science shall carry out a program of original study or research over a minimum period of one (1) academic year after the date of registration or after completion of any required coursework and examination and shall submit a thesis or project based on the study or research done provided that for part-time candidates the minimum period shall be two (2) academic years .
(b)Maximum Duration
No candidate for the degree of Master of Science shall be registered as a full-time student for more than four (4) academic years or as a part-time student for more than five (5) academic years without submitting his thesis, except withpermission from theAcademic Board.
3. Who is Eligible for a PhD Program?
The following shall be eligible to apply for registration for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University:
a) Aholder of Master’s degree from the University;
b) A holder of a Master’s degree or equivalent academic qualifications of another institution recognized by Senate or the University Academic Board
In addition an applicant must meet the requirements of the School, Department and programme chosen.
4. What is the duration of PhD Programmes?
(a) Minimum Duration
A candidate registered for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy shall carry out a program of original study or research over a minimum period of three (3) academic years after the date of registration or after completion of any required coursework and examination and shall submit a thesis based on the study of research done. Provided that for part-time candidates the minimum period shall be five (5) academic years.
(b) Maximum Duration
No candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy shall be registered as a full-time student for more than five (5) academic years or as a part-time student for more than seven (7) academic years without submitting his/her thesis, except withpermission from theAcademic Board.
5. Can a part time student change to full time and vice versa?
On the recommendation of the School/Institute Board concerned and within the first one year , the Academic Board may permit a candidate to change his registration status from part-time student or vice versa once only.